5 Compelling Reasons Why Small Businesses Must Maintain Books of Accounts

Bookkeeping is the method of maintaining your company’s financial activities on a daily basis into well-organized records. It could also refer to the many recording methods that companies have readily accessible. For several reasons, bookkeeping is a crucial component of your accounting procedure. You may produce precise financial reports that aid in analysing the success of your company when you maintain up-to-date transaction data.

A book of accounts, often referred to as financial books or financial documents, is a record that an organisation or firm maintains to track its financial activities. These documents serve as the foundation of any organization’s financial structure and are essential to a company in many ways. They offer crucial information on the company’s overall financial situation and operations.

What does book of accounts talk about?

For any business or firm, the book of accounts speaks about the company’s:

  • Liabilities
  • Company’s assets
  • Loans received/payed
  • Income
  • Profit generated

Why is Book of accounts crucial for small businesses?

As soon as you start off with a business, you must accurately record every rupee that is spent. By avoiding paying for external bookkeepers or hiring full-time accountants, small firms sometimes could choose to overlook this. But without accurate bookkeeping, they might be more likely to make payroll mistakes, pay taxes and penalties, make poor or wrong choices for the company, and have cash flow management issues. Listed below are some of the reasons why book of accounts are important for any company:

Easy access to loans and finances:

Financial or lending institutions will need a thorough record of your company’s financial performance if you need a loan for operations or business growth. Your capability to repay loans can be proven to lenders by these financial records.

When evaluating loan applications, banks and other financial organisations require reliable financial information and want to review a company’s financial records in order to assess the company’s creditworthiness. An organisation that practises proper accounting makes sure that the data it provides for an application is updated and correct. Keeping current records might help a small business get more of the funding it needs.

Cash Flow Management:

The secret to efficient cash flow management is a precise book of accounts. It displays the amount of money that the company brings in (revenues) and spends for various activities (expenses). The bookkeeping process guarantees that the business can satisfy its financial commitments on schedule and helps prevent financial concerns like running out of operational capital.

Helps with the Audit Process:

Having well-kept books of accounts makes the audit procedures easier. You may be able to save time and money by hiring an auditor who can swiftly track down and record transactions and verify your financial records. Keeping accurate records of all financial transactions might serve as an instrument of deterrence to all types of fraudulent activities. Additionally, by detecting discrepancies early on, possible financial loss may be avoided.

Better Budgeting:

Accurately organizing income and expenses of a business is essential for creating a budget. Having a budget will help you better forecast and distribute costs, as well as help you plan for upcoming business requirements.

Provides business insights:

Financial statements of any company for any particular time duration can be easily  prepared and analyzed using book of accounts. In this manner, one can easily monitor their company’s success over time, receive regular updates on how things are doing financially, and get an understanding of the company’s progress. You may keep track of every financial transaction you make in a simple organized system through bookkeeping. Most of the important company insights can be obtained from financial statements that are carefully generated from thorough books of accounts.  You will see patterns and be able to comprehend your business cycles better with the help of months’ and years’ worth of income data. One can also check if the company has been spending within the budget or overspending.

Final thoughts

In a nutshell, maintaining correct books of accounts helps in decision-making, audit being prepared, and long-term planning, all of which contribute to the success of your business or company. It also helps you stay compliant with the laws. Therefore, every small business should prioritise investing in a reliable bookkeeping process. We also recommend you to check our website for more details on our bookkeeping services. We assist you in keeping your books of accounts up to date on our end and regularly provide you with the different reports and information you need to understand the financial state of your business or company. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Book of accounts?

Book of accounts is an important financial record that is followed by any company or business which reflects the company’s  accounting procedure.

2. What are the instruments used in the book of accounts?

Book of accounts include all the books and records that are required to prepare financial statements in any organization. Some of the most commonly included instruments used in books of accounts are ledger, journals,  reimbursement bills , and cash receipts.

3. What are the common ways to record financial expenses of a company?

Previous tax records, proof for  loan received, bank statements,  sales invoices, and other investments and receipts that are made on behalf of the company or firm are some of the common ways to record the company’s expenses. 

4. What does books of accounts include?

Books of account refers to all the documents maintained including the following:

 the company’s assets and liabilities and all monetary transactions including amounts or funding that a business receives and spends.

5. Is new bank account required for maintaining the financial ?

Yes, a separate bank account is needed for maintaining all financial records of a company. By doing so, the business owner or shareholders may more effectively monitor his or her financial transactions and manage the spending in a time-efficient and consistent manner.

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