Digital Signature in Chennai

Digital Signature Certificate in Chennai
Digital Signature Certificates or DSC or Digital Signature are being adopted by various government agencies and now is a statutory requirement in various applications. Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) are the digital equivalent (that is electronic format) of physical or paper certificates. Few Examples of physical certificates are drivers’ licenses, passports or membership cards. Certificates serve as proof of the identity of an individual for a certain purpose; for example, a driver’s license identifies someone who can legally drive in a particular country. Likewise, a digital certificate can be presented electronically to prove one’s identity, to access information or services on the Internet or to sign certain documents digitally.
Physical documents are signed manually, similarly, electronic documents, for example, e-forms are required to be signed digitally using a Digital Signature Certificate.
A licensed Certifying Authority (CA) issues the digital signature. Certifying Authority (CA) means a person who has been granted a license to issue a digital signature certificate under Section 24 of the Indian IT-Act 2000.
Process of obtaining DSC:
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Processing Methods
We have four different verification methods for acquiring the Digital signature certificate. The applicant can opt for the method they prefer.
Paperless DSC- Aadhar-based e-KYC Verification DSC
Paperless DSC - PAN-based e-KYC Verification DSC
GST Verification Based DSC
Benefits of Digital Signature
Business efficiency
Digital signatures are ideal for both small and large organizations with quicker contract turnaround time and reduced work flow time.
Simple & Intuitive
Digital signature’s greatest advantage is its accessibility and usability. It becomes very easy to apply it to any document and submit it securely.

Saves Time
Digital signatures ensure businesses save time and cost with documents and contracts. Cost-time savings are enormous, especially when the person required to sign is in a geographically different area.
Digital signatures ensure authentic, legitimate and verified signatures. Signers are issued with PINs, passwords and codes that can authenticate, validate and authorize their signatures.
Digital Signature – Frequently Asked Questions
What are the different types of Digital Signature Certificates?
Type of Certificates
- Sign
Sign DSC can only be used for signing documents. The most popular usage of is signing the PDF file for Tax Returns, MCA and other websites. Signing via DSC gives the assurance of not only the integrity of the signer but also the data. It is proof of untampered and unaltered data. - Encrypt
Encrypt DSC can only be used to encrypt a document, it is popularly used in the tender portal, to help companies encrypt the documents and upload. You could also use the certificate to encrypt and send classified information. Encrypt DSC is fit for e-commerce documents, legal documentation and sharing documents that are highly confidential and contains information that needs to be protected. We are selling Encrypt certificates as a standalone product as well. - Sign & Encrypt
Our Sign & Encrypt DSC can be used for both signing and encrypting. It is convenient for users who need to authenticate and maintain the confidentiality of the information shared. Its usage includes filing government forms and applications.
What are the classes of Digital Signature Certificates?
- Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate
Class 2 Digital Signature (DSC) to individuals and organizations DSC for both Indian and foreign applicants. The main function of this certificate is to authenticate the details of the signer. It re-affirms the already mentioned data of the user. It is used in various form-filling, online registration, email attestation, income tax filing and etc. More uses of Class 2 Digital Signature Certificates are given below.- MCA e-filing
- Income Tax e-filing
- LLP registration
- GST registration & return filing
- IE code registration
- Form 16,etc
- Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate
Class 3 digital signature certificates according to the IVG guideline which is more secure in comparison to class 2 certificates, This is the safest of all certificates. It is used in matters of high security and safety. It is mainly used in online trading and e-commerce, where a huge amount of money or highly confidential information is involved. If you opt for a class 3 certificate, all applications which are created for Class 2, should be able to recognize your certificates. Following are the main functions of Class 3 certificates –- E-tendering
- Patent and trademark e-filing
- MCA e-filing
- Customs e-filing
- E-procurement
- E-biding
- E-auction,etc