GST Filing Chennai

GST Consultants Chennai

Why Timely GST Return Filing Matters

Goods and Services Tax, known as GST, came into existence on 1st July 2017 that led to one of India’s Ultimate tax reforms of all time. Under this GST regime, filing GST returns every month is mandatory for all entities having GST registration, irrespective of business activity or sales or profitability during the return filing period. Hence, even an inactive business that obtained GST registration must file at least Nil GST return. To track and file monthly returns smoothly, get help from GST Return Filing In Chennai.

How to File GST Returns

For filing a GST return, businesses need to collect all sales and purchase invoices, along with the GST paid or collected. A GST Tax Consultant in Chennai will enable you to accurately prepare and submit the return before the due date, ensuring full compliance. Even if no sales have occurred, businesses still need to file a Nil return.

GST Return Filing Made Easy

GST return is a Summary of all Sales details, Output tax liability and Input tax credit available. Filing these GST Returns requires tax liability payments to the government by the taxpayers.

There are many returns under GST which a taxpayer has to file with the GSTIN, we help you file accurate GST returns and always on time.

Late Fees for not Filing GST Return on Time

Failure to submit GST returns before the due date, will result in liability for interest and a late fee. Interest is 18% per annum. It has to be calculated by the taxpayer on the amount of outstanding tax to be paid. The time period will be from the next day of filing to the date of payment. Late fees are Rs. 100 per day per Act. So it is 100 under CGST & 100 under SGST. Total will be Rs. 200/day. Maximum is Rs. 5,000. There is no late fee on IGST. To avoid these penalties, contact with GST Filing Consultants In Chennai for timely and accurate filing.

Types of Return under GST

Nature of ReturnWho has to fileNature of Return in DetailTax PeriodDue Date
GSTR1All Normal TaxpayersAggregate Turnover upto 1.5 Crores (if opted)QuarterlyEnd of the month succeeding the quarter.
GSTR1All Normal TaxpayersAggregate Turnover more than 1.5 CroresMonthly11th* of the next month with effect from October 2018 until September 2020. *Previously, the due date was 10th of the next month.
GSTR3BAll Taxpayers
Simple return in which summary of outward supplies along with input tax credit is declared and payment of tax is affected by the taxpayer.
For the taxpayers with aggregate turnover equal to or below Rs 5 crore, 22nd of next month for taxpayers in Group A states/UTs and 24th of next month for taxpayers in Group B states/UTs
CMP-08 (Payment) - QuarterlyComposition Scheme Tax Payers
Statement-cum-challan to make a tax payment by a taxpayer registered under the composition scheme whose aggregate Turnover upto 1.5 Crores
18th of the month succeeding the quarter.
GSTR 4 (Annual Return)
Composition Scheme Tax Payers
Aggregate Turnover upto 1.5 Crores
30th of the month succeeding a financial year.
GSTR5Non-Resident Foreign TaxpayersDon't have a business establishment in India
20th of the next month.
GSTR5Non-Resident Foreign TaxpayersCame for short period of time to make supplies.

20th of the next month.
GSTR5Non-Resident Foreign TaxpayersThe registration is of a temporary natureMonthly
20th of the next month.
GSTR5Non-Resident Foreign TaxpayersMake taxable supplies only after the issuance of the certificate of registration.Monthly
20th of the next month.
GSTR5ANon-Resident Foreign Taxpayers (OIDAR Service provider)Online Information and Database Access or Retrieval (OIDAR)Monthly
20th of the next month.
GSTR5ANon-Resident Foreign Taxpayers (OIDAR Service provider)Cannot claim any ITC Monthly
20th of the next month.
GSTR5ANon-Resident Foreign Taxpayers (OIDAR Service provider)Filing GSTR-5A is mandatory even if no business transaction
20th of the next month.
GSTR5ANon-Resident Foreign Taxpayers (OIDAR Service provider)Can file only after making full payment
20th of the next month.
An Input Service Distributor Return for an input service distributor to distribute the eligible input tax credit to its branches. Filing GSTR-6 is mandatory even if no business transactionMonthly
13th of the next month.
All taxable persons deduct TDS (Tax Deducted at Source)Any Person, Category of Person recommended by GST Council, Local Authority, Government Agencies, Authority, Board, Society, PSU, Department, Establishment of State or Central Government can deduct TDSMonthly
10th of the next month.
All taxable persons deduct TDS (Tax Deducted at Source)2% TDS is deducted when invoice value exceeds Rs. 2.5 Lakhs excluding GSTMonthly
10th of the next month.
All taxable persons deduct TDS (Tax Deducted at Source)Certificate for TDS deducted shall be made available in Form GSTR-7A to the deductee Monthly
10th of the next month.
All e-commerce operators who are required to deduct TCS (Tax Collected at Source)Any person who owns or manages a digital or electronic facility or platform for carrying out electronic commerce.
10th of the next month.
All e-commerce operators who are required to deduct TCS (Tax Collected at Source)Rate of TCS is notified as 1% of net taxable supplies
10th of the next month.
All e-commerce operators who are required to deduct TCS (Tax Collected at Source)Aggregate Turnover more than 20 lakh rupees (10 lakhs in NE India)Monthly
10th of the next month.
All taxpayers registered filing GSTR1 & GSTR3B
*Consolidation of all Monthly or Quarterly Returns *Optional for FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19 where Aggregate Turnover less than 2 CroresAnnually

31st December of next financial year.
GSTR9A Annual Return

Composition Scheme Taxpayers
Annual return to be filed by a taxpayer registered under the composition levy anytime during the year.

31st December of next financial year. Filing Annual Return for FY 2017-2018 & 2018-2019 are waived off
GSTR9C Audit Form
Certified reconciliation statement for all taxpayers
* Aggregate Turnover exceeds Rs.5 crores * Liable to get their annual reports audited.

31st December of next financial year.
Taxpayer whose GST registration is cancelled.
Final return to be filed by a taxpayer whose GST registration is cancelled.
Once, when GST registration is cancelled or surrendered.
Within three months of the date of cancellation or date of cancellation order, whichever is later.
Foreign diplomatic missions and embassies Having UIN
Return to be filed by the persons who have been issued a Unique Identity Number and claims a refund of the taxes paid on their inward supplies.
28th of the month following the month for which statement is filed.


Details of Expenditure/Purchase attracting GST

  • Total Intrastate & Interstate Purchase
  • Total imports
  • Sales Returns
  • Other Purchases
  • Other Expenses

Details of Income/Sales attracting GST

  • Total Intrastate & Interstate sales
  • Total Exports
  • Purchase Returns
  • Other Supplies on which no GST is Paid
  • Other Income

Other Amount

  • Arrears (Audit / Assessment) etc
  • Refunds

General details

  • Your GST Number
  • Your Login Credential for GST Portal
  • DSC of Registered Person (if available)
  • Your Bank Account Details

Enquire Now


    Our Service Plans – GST Return Filing

    GST Nil Return Filing @ Rs. 350 + GST

    • Silver Plan
    • ₹750 + GST
    • *Service Charges Per Month

      Up to 100 Sales & Purchase Vouchers
      Suitable for New Startup
      1 GSTN – Individuals, Freelancers, Consultants
      For Traders – Turnover up to 40 Lakhs
      For Service Providers – Turnover up to 20 Lakhs
      Monthly Advance Payment
      Unlimited Invoice
      GSTR1 & GSTR3B

    • Book Now
    • Platinum Plan
    • ₹1,500 + GST
    • *Service Charges Per Month

      Up to 500 Sales & Purchase Vouchers
      Suitable for Large Enterprises
      1 GSTN – Wholesale, Manufacturing Companies
      For Traders – Turnover up to 5 Crore
      Monthly Advance Payment
      Unlimited Invoice
      GSTR1 & GSTR3B

    • Book Now


    We, as a GST Tax Consultant In Chennai, ensure that returns are filed after cross-checking your books of accounts twice and taking calls with the owner for confirmation. Hence accuracy is maintained.


    Having frequent updates in GST laws and Acts. We train ourselves to get adequate knowledge updation in the domain to meet the client’s requirement.


    We use the latest tools & Technology to ease the return filing process in a faster manner with accuracy.

    Reason to file GST Returns on Time

    Get Rid of Penalty

    As per GST law, you will be charged a penalty for delay / Non-filing of returns

    Good Terms with Clients

    On filing our Returns in time helps the clients to claim their Input Tax Credit

    Easy to avail Bank Loan

    Tax payers credibility is checked on the basis of GST Returns by the Bank

    Escape from Cancellation

    Non Filing of Return on time might lead to Certificate Cancellation

    E Way Bill Generation

    If GST returns not filed for 2 successive months, EWayBill Generation is not possible